ITU phonetics with the correct pronunciation:

A--Alfa     “AL-FAH”
B--Bravo    “BRAH-VOH”
C--Charlie  “CHAR-LEE” or “SHAR-LEE”
D--Delta    “DELL-TAH”
E--Echo     “ECK-OH”
F--Foxtrot  “FOKS-TROT”
G--Golf     “GOLF”
H--Hotel    “HOH-TELL”
I--India    “IN-DEE-AH”
J--Juliett  “JEW-LEE-ETT”
K--Kilo     “KEE-LOH”
L--Lima     “LEE-MAH”
M--Mike     “MIKE”
N--November “NO-VEM-BER”
O--Oscar    “OSS-CAH”
P--Papa     “PAH-PAH”
Q--Quebec   “KEH-BECK”
R--Romeo    “ROW-ME-OH”
S--Sierra   “SEE-AIR-RAH”
T--Tango    “TANG-GO”
U--Uniform  “YOU-NEE-FORM” or “OO-NEE-FORM”
V--Victor   “VIK-TAH”
W--Whiskey  “WISS-KEY”
X--X-ray    “ECKS-RAY”
Y--Yankee   “YANG-KEY”
Z--Zulu     “ZOO-LOO”

Numbers pronunciation:

0 - “ZEE-RO”
1 - “WUN”
2 - “TOO”
3 - “TH-UH-REE” or “TREE”
4 - “FOW-ER”
5 - “FI-IV” or “FIFE”
6 - “SIX”
7 - “SEV-EN”
8 - “ATE” or “A-IT”
9 - “NIN-ER”



1 - To distinguish “Z” from “C” on phone, it is common practice to say “zed” (an old British phonetic) for “Z”, especially when saying a call sign. “Zed” is shorter (one syllable vs. two for “zulu”.) However, in formal traffic, the ITU: “ZULU” is more correct and proper.

2 - “ROGER” (an early phonetic) is still used for “received” (equivalent of sending “R” in Morse) - It does NOT mean “yes” or “affirmative”. It only means: “I have received your message completely.”